Stephenville Crossing

SAM Member Since: April 1995
Area Protected: 3,933 acres
Stephenville Crossing is a seaside town which has been incorporated since 1958. Early settlers in the community worked in the fishing, farming, logging and construction industry, and once the Earnest Harmon Air Force Base started in 1941, the community population increased from 925 to 1,945. Today the population is approximately 2,000 and the major source of employment is the hospital in Stephenville and other areas within the construction and service industries. The Natural History Society of Newfoundland and Labrador cites 198 species of birds are found within "the Crossing".
Conservation Areas
The St. George's River Conservation Area is made up of Nardine's Pond, Little River, Main Gut and the estuary of Harry's River and a portion of the St. George's River estuary. Nardine's Pond is a small brackish pond with emergent vegetation and abundant invertebrates, making it an excellent spot for nesting waterfowl. Little River is a small, meandering river that flows into the St. George's River Estuary. Northern pintails are commonly seen here, and it is an important brood-rearing area for American wigeon. The Main Gut contains a patterned fen/slope bog complex, as well as extensive beach and sand dunes. This is a good place for viewing osprey, with as many as twenty-five having been seen at one time, hovering and diving for flatfish and sculpins. The St. George's River/Harry's River Estuary is one of the richest areas for waterfowl in Newfoundland. The abundance of eelgrass, invertebrates, arthropods, mollusks, and fish provide rich feeding for a variety of birds such as terns, gulls, shorebirds and other migratory birds during spring and fall migration.

Main Gut, St. Georges River Conservation Area 3931 acres.

Osprey Nesting Platform, Stephenville Crossing.

St. Georges River Conservation Area, 3931 acres
Explore Stephenville Crossing
Town of Stephenville Crossing Website
The Gravels Walking Trail
The Grasses Nature Reserve - Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC)
Conservation News
Government of Canada Invests in Community Infrastructure in Stephenville Crossing - Government of Canada
After 8 Decades, Main Gut Bridge Near Stephenville Crossing is Being Demolished - CBC
Wildlife Watching
Stephenville Crossing Kids Map
Download and print this pamphlet to use at your next community stewardship event
eBird Hotspot - Stephenville Crossing
eBird Hotspot - Estuary
eBird Hotspot - Estuary NW
eBird Hotspot - Memorial Trail
eBird Hotspot - Bayside
eBird Hotspot - Main Gut
eBird Hotspot - Pond South of Main Gut
eBird Hotspot - Estuary Along Mattis Point Causeway
eBird Hotspot - Mattis Point Road
Community Fact Sheet